How to clean a maverick 88
How to clean a maverick 88

The truck works, but it’s not as nice a ride as your car. Not like your regular driving car, which probably has all those amenities. But, it’s got an engine and can get you from point A to point B. Maybe it doesn’t have air-conditioning or power windows. It’s kind of like having an old farm truck to haul stuff with. There won’t be any swivel mounts for a sling. You won’t get a wood stock or a good front bead. The Maverick is just a basic, pump action shotgun. The reason for the lower price tag is parts manufactured in Mexico instead of the United States and no option for any accessories to be added to it. So, this isn’t a cheap imitation or knock-off produced by some overseas company in Timbuktu. It’s even assembled by employees of Mossberg in Mossberg’s factory. The Maverick 88 is made from the Mossberg design and with Mossberg parts.

how to clean a maverick 88

With an average price of $500, though, it might be out of budget for some people. Their Mossberg 500 is the most popular pump action 12-gauge shotgun on the market. Today, it’s the oldest family-owned gun manufacturer in the country. Mossberg and Sons) with his sons in 1919. Kind of like using Dykem to look for wear points.Oscar Frederick Mossberg started a firearms company (O.F. I realize it's never going to run as smooth as a nice broken in Winchester and that's ok-but I'm sure it can do a lot better than this.Įdit: Not complaining about the loss of bluing-just using it as an indication of what is wearing against what. Or should I just cycle it another 200 times, clean it and re-oil it, and call that good enough? But is there anything else I can do to speed up the process? I've been reading that some people put valve grinding compound on the moving parts and wear them in, but that seems awfully aggressive to me. I realize the solution is to shoot the heck out of it-and it will cure itself. Also, the elevator is developing scratches from rubbing up and down in the receiver, and the magazine tube bluing is wearing off where there is a seem in the tubing and general roughness.

how to clean a maverick 88

They are a little wavy and the bluing is wearing off. What I'm noticing is that the are substantial "shear lips" on the action bars. Probably worked the action 100-150 times now. And I've been cycling the action in shifts for most of the night. Tonight I field stripped it and hosed it off with carb cleaner until it was perfectly clean and dry. But I have to admit, the action is rough! It seems like a solid, no frills shotgun (which was what I was looking for). I've gotten it out a few times and put probably 100 rounds through it. A while back I bought a Maverick 88 for use as a full time HD shotgun.

How to clean a maverick 88